Tips For Finding a Divorce Lawyer – Community Legal Services


Can you contest divorces that are not based on fault? There is no need for a trial when you have a no-fault uncontested divorce. If you or your spouse cannot meet on the conditions of the separation, the divorce will be a non fault divorce that’s contested. Think about using a mediator to prevent a lot stress and heartache.

Both spouses can apply for divorce? A joint petition for dissolution of the marriage is an option, depending on where they live. There are no serious disagreements concerning the divorce conditions for a joint application, which means that the couple is able to move to the next step.

What do I need to do to reach my husband? No. You should not communicate directly with the lawyer who represents your husband. If you’re being represented by counsel but not your spouse’s attorney or your lawyer can speak directly to the other, if they both have counsel.

Does it make sense to get married and not get divorced. No. If you don’t have a divorce decree by the court, you will not be able to get married. The marriage ceremony without a divorce notice when one’s spouse remains alive is an offense in law. Consult a divorce attorney if you have any questions.
