How Bloomberg Philanthropies Is Making Roads in the U.S. and Europe Safer With Beautiful Asphalt Art – Art In The News

Bloomberg Philanthropies has applied basic paints to its Asphalt Art Initiative.

This philanthropic organization has granted grants to 41 cities in America as well as three European cities with a total of 45 stunning asphalt art projects. The results of these studies show that it is clear that painting intersections makes roads safer.

As per Janette Sadik-Khan, who is the director of transportation at Bloomberg Associates, a subsidiary of Bloomberg Philanthropies across the U.S., there is widespread road-related deaths that people would like to see the number of deaths decrease. Janette Sadik-Khan is also the previous head of the NYC DT (Department of Transportation). She led the transformation of Times Square to be pedestrian-friendly beginning with paintwork on the street and traffic signs.

She says nobody expected the project to have any success, but according to a study by the Gehl Institute, this initiative increased pedestrian activity and even helped businesses located in and within Times Square without adversely affecting the time of travel. The author continues, ‘paint and other temporary undertakings cost a fraction of concrete resurfacing. They are able to produce results at only a few dollars.’ The project’s success that was completed in New York City has facilitated the growth of low-cost interventions in other cities in the U.S. with similar benefits.

Bloomberg Philanthropies also announced another study that is called the Asphalt Art Safety Study, which analyzed the 22 most recent beautiful asphalt art projects executed in the U.S. and found that they led to reductions in the amount of crashes in traffic, particularly the ones that involved pedestrians and motorcyclists in promoting safer driving habits.

Bloomberg Philanthropies hired a consulting agency, Sam Schwartz Consulting, for the study which analyzed the 22 most recent asphalt art installations, comparing crash statistics from before as well as a
